Foot Traffic: on the move during a pandemic
After the stay at home order began in March at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a noticeable increase in foot traffic past my home. I saw a spaced-out parade of families with toddlers and baby strollers, dog walkers, exercise walkers, runners and cyclists.
I put a simple set together on the sidewalk in front of the house, and waited. After shooting their picture, they told me what was new to them, in this new world. What I discovered are the instances of new family rituals and togetherness. In a dreary situation, I could see a small bright spot from my porch.
“It's nice to have all of you around and not have sports commitments.” — Andy Lambert, with three of his five daughters Hannah, Caroline and Grace.
“I've gained a little weight because Fit Club is closed. I used to swim three times a week, but not anymore. All I can do now is ride my bike, but that's okay.” — David Smith
“We’ve been riding bikes like nobody’s business. We call ourselves the ‘Rona Riders.” — Ashley Grubb and A.J. Peterson
"I talk to myself a lot. Sometimes I sneak out. Oh my God! I got stuck in the mud when I went out to the country and got off the main road. $300 later I was pulled out. Now I just ride around town.” — Pat Kenny
Jane Lambert, 8, is an unlicensed driver.
“Walking the neighborhood is good because you’re not getting outside. I get up, get coffee and go to the basement to work. The dogs get us out.” — Rachel Medina with her husband Angel and their son, Jordi, with Daisy and Sherman
“I’ve been doing more running outside,” says Whitney Brasel, left. Her partner, Caitlin Clarke, adds, "We usually travel on weekends and it's been nice to get to know Springfield and watch the season change. I can't leave so I've been coloring a lot and doing lots of puzzles.” Louie, an Aussiedoodle, has been joining them on walks.
Friends Nakiya Crawford, left, and Nia Davis.
“It's been so dull that this kind of picked me up!” says Marsha Ramsay, about being asked to pose for a portrait.
“I did some dibbling and dabbling in cooking.” — Gretta McIntyre
“We always take our dog on an afternoon walk. It hasn't always been such a formal family arrangement.” - Livia Savit, her husband Gavriel and their daughter, Lily, and Yitz.
"I texted all the kids' teachers, ‘You clearly don't get paid enough.’ ” — Grainne Mahoney, Olaith Mahoney and Marty, 100% mutt
"There are a lot more neighbors talking to each other. Seeing spring happen has been cool. I'm usually so busy in the spring. I'm heathier than I've ever been; physically and emotionally. I've been cooking a lot. Cooking enough in two months to last five years for me. And biking. I bike a lot.” — Kyle Muskopf
"We moved. We have all the time in the world, so why not? We adopted the dog two weeks ago because its owner couldn't work, take care of the kids, and walk him. Three Twigs bakery officially opened. I take orders. So we moved, got a dog, and I started a new job.” — Melissa Wolff, Andrew Wolff and Alexander Acs with Spartacus, a husky-shepherd mix.
"I was sitting around and knew I needed to do something so I cleaned out the basement and made an indoor walking trail. I walk five miles every morning.” — Angela Bradley
"My little brother just moved to Phoenix and he rolled all the time. Now I have them (Rollerblades), and my son, my girlfriend and her daughter do, too. I've been one of the very blessed ones, keeping busy and not being stuck inside.” — Blake Nibbe
"Cutting a giant hole in the wall for a second laundry room.” — Jeff Nevins, who took a break from his project for a hug from his daughter, Norah, 4
"It's been kind of good to have an online chemistry lab because it's only one hour a week. On campus it would have been four hours.”— Allison Teichman, cooling down after a run in Washington Park.
"We definitely have more meals at home. Cooking; it's good. Probably better. The best so far is grilled cheese tomato casserole. It's delicious.” — Ashley Mosely and Jeff Hommert
"Watching church on TV. That's my low. Family Mass on the couch is unique.” — Theresa Lambert and Scout, a Bernese Mountain Dog
"I picked up biking this summer and it's my way to get out of the house since I'm working from home (during the stay-at-home order).” — Stephanie Wells
“I can't believe all the new people walking with their dogs.” -Teresa Creviston with Brutus, a Manchester Terrier.